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STAY WONDER: shape a digital nomad destination in Grottole, Southern Italy

After Italian Sabbatical (www.italiansabbatical.com), the new open call of wonder grottole launches.

STAY WONDER: shape a digital nomad destination in Grottole, Southern Italy is an opportunity to immerse yourself and live temporarily in the town of Grottole. An occasion to disconnect from the everyday world by enjoying a month of remote work in a location immersed in nature, with a proposal of slow and simple living, capable of revealing the wonder of Lucania’s cultural heritage.

The call proposal is addressed to digital nomads and young professionals resident in EU countries, working in marketing, online and offline communication, and visual arts. The participants selected will have the opportunity to experiment themselves in the role of social activators and promoters of the Grottole territory, through the narration of the experience on site, the production of photographic and video material and the eventual development of a proposal for the territory of their own inspiration.

The residency will take place in the village of Grottole. The two participants selected will stay for one month in the spaces of the Wonder Casa, specifically from 16 October 2024 to 16 November 2024.

The residency is promoted by Wonder Grottole srl Impresa Sociale in the context of the project “PSR Basilicata 2014-2020 – Measure 19 LEADER – GAL START 2020 – 19.2.B.4.1.C – Tourism System – Line of Intervention 2 – “Promotional and In-formation Actions”, – CUP “B85C24000060007” and with the Grant Patronage of the Comune di Grottole.

The deadline for submitting applications is 16 August 2024, at 00.00 a.m., by compilation and upload of material to the google form indicated in the pdf open call available for download in the appropriate section.

Press Kit available at the following link.